
24 november 2022 


Infina UX Culture garden umbrella HR P2

8 february 2021 

Любопытно узнать о тенденциях наружного цвета 2021 года?

Тренды для открытых пространств!


Жизнью на открытом воздухе больше нельзя пренебрегать. Двор дома стал для нас второй гостиной, оформленной как полноценное жилое пространство качественными изделиями. Мы рады поделиться с вами мировыми цветовыми тенденциями на 2021 год.

Cantilever umbrella Duo spectra living lodge6HR

12 january 2021 

Poolside umbrellas? Umbrosa proof!

Did you know Umbrosa umbrellas and shade sails installed by a pool do not loose any of their beauty? frames are made of polished seaworthy stainless steel (A4 or SS316), hot dip galvanized steel or aluminum. We are most happy to explain the advantages.


23 november 2020 

Proud winner of the Archiproducts Design Awards 2020!!

The Spectra UX Culture cantilver umbrella is the winner of the Archproducts Design Awards 2020. Congrats to the design team!!

Infina UX Garden umbrella_Culture_Infina_LR

17 september 2020 

Umbrosa launches 2 new umbrellas!

Sleek & sober or playful & radiant?

The current circumstances have contributed to an even higher awareness of the importance of the garden, terrace, outdoor room, … the entire outdoor living space in home design.

Umbrosa Mondmaskers1

6 april 2020 

Umbrosa produces face masks!

Our Umbrosa confection team started yesterday with the production of face masks.


23 march 2020 

Umbrosa is still there for you!

Spring started last Saturday… no doubt that we will all keep on remembering the spring of 2020.